Americas Treasures Geneva Communication Is Non-Surgical Nose Jobs a Good Candidate?

Is Non-Surgical Nose Jobs a Good Candidate?

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Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job surgery, is a cosmetic plastic surgery method for changing and reconstructing the nose to improve the appearance. There are generally two kinds of plastic surgeries used during rhinoplasty aesthetic surgery which simply reconstructs the shape and functions of the nose, and reconstructive surgery that alters the appearance of your nose. The goal of a rhinoplasty is to increase the patient’s self-esteem, and give them the nose that they want.

Nose jobs have become very popular in recent years and a growing number of patients are opting for this cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance and function of their nose and face. Nose jobs can be performed as simple nasal reconstructions or can involve multiple surgeries to correct various facial features such as a wide nose, high arch, drooping skin etc. Some cosmetic surgeries will focus on repairing only the areas of your nose that you don’t like, whereas some rhinoplasty surgeries will cover more areas of your face. For example, if you have a wide nose that you’d like to enhance, you might have a rhinoplasty that not only addresses the issue but also improves the size of your nasal tip. Cosmetic surgery procedures for your nose can range from something as basic as a lift to a full rhinoplasty

Click here when searching for a rhinoplasty surgeon to perform nose jobs, it is important that you find one that specializes in nose jobs so that you are guaranteed a safe, successful operation. Your surgeon should be board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, so that you know that your doctor has the right skill, knowledge and experience to perform the cosmetic surgery. You can easily find a list of qualified cosmetic surgeons by contacting any of your medical insurance providers or looking through the phone book under “esthetic surgery” or “nose job.”

During your initial consultation, you will want to go over all of your realistic expectations with your doctor and discuss your reasons for considering rhinoplasty. Your surgeon should be able to go over all of your options with you, including possible surgeries, your desired end result and how much time you have to prepare for the procedure. The better prepared you are for any cosmetic operation, the more likely you are to have a positive and successful outcome.

Most plastic surgery procedures are not permanent, but rather are designed to enhance your appearance and boost your self-esteem. You should discuss the benefits you can expect with your cosmetic surgeon, including the results you can expect and how long the procedure will take. Rhinoplasty is typically used for improving the size of your nasal and airway passages, creating a more even bridge, widening your nasal tip, removing and tightening your cheeks, chin and jaw. Many patients who have undergone rhinoplasty have described their noses as being “caved in,” “pointed toward the ceiling” or having a “caved-in smile.”

There is one type of non-surgical nose jobs that may be a good candidate for your consultation. This procedure, known as liposuction, involves removing excess fat from your body. Your surgeon will perform a blood draw before he begins your procedure to check for glucose levels. If you are a good candidate for this type of surgery, you may be given medication to control your blood sugar level before the surgery. Many plastic surgery patients choose to undergo this procedure because it makes them feel better about their appearance, reduces their dependence on drugs and eliminates excess skin from the face. Non-surgical nose jobs do not require the same post-operative follow-up care you will need if you choose to have a traditional nose job.

For more information about rhinoplasty in Portland Oregon visit The Portland Rhinoplasty Center and talk to board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr William Portuese.