Americas Treasures Geneva Communication THE INVENTION OF MOBILE PHONES


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The rush and the familiarity

It was during the decade of the 1980s when there was a rush among engineers to formulate a network for cellular phone usage, which surely would forever change the manner in which people across the globe engage in communication. During the 1970s, people who watched television were used to seeing devices that were hand-held, which permitted communication two ways. But this reality still had many glitches.

Radio phones that paved the way for the invention of the cell phone

Radio phones that permitted communication two ways had been used before the time of the Second World War. Such radio phones would allow military personnel as well as police to communicate in serious and dangerous situations. However, these networks were regarded as being private and small. The equipment that was necessary was certainly bulky. As well, the networks and equipment were not readily available to the public. Also, this equipment that is mentioned here is not a cell phone. But these inventions have paved the way to lead to the development of the modern mobile phone that is much more reliable.

How they were invented

1 The network

In the United States in the period of the 1970s, researchers that were associated with Bell Labs commenced experiments in regard to the idea of implementing a network that would be designed for communication via the usage of cellular phones. The concept entailed the desire to provide a network that would provide coverage for all of the USA. It is noted that the network would be formulated of cells that were hexagonal in essence and there would be the inclusion of a base station for each one. There would be the usage of radio frequencies in order for the base stations to be able to engage in the sending and receiving of messages when using mobile phones. In order to prevent interference, cells that were adjacent to each other functioned at diverse levels of frequencies.

The purpose of the base stations was to be able to provide connections for the radio signals to the primary network for telecommunications. Then the phones in a seamless fashion would use various frequencies as they shifted from the usage of one cell to a different one. It is impressive to realize that at the latter part of the decade of the 1970s, there was the success of Bell Labs Advance Mobile Phone System, as it was functioning on a scale that was small.

  1. The development of Martin Cooper

Then around the same time, an engineer by the name of Martin Cooper who worked for Motorola in the USA was working on the development of a fascinating source of communication. He realized that people did not wish to communicate with offices, houses or cars, but rather people desired to communicate with real humans. That is why he held the viewpoint that the telephone number should not be a location, but it should connect someone to a real human.Thus, Martin Cooper was successful in creating the first phone that was hand-held that had the ability to form a connection via the usage of the Advance Mobile Phone System that had been produced by Bell Labs.

3 The heavy phone and status of wealth

Then in the year of 1984, there was the launching of the DynaTAC by Motorola. This was a phone that was nicknamed the Brick as a result of it having a weight of more than one kilogram. However, those who were wealthy business people and entrepreneurs sensed that they had to have this type of phone. This phone was not accessible to the regular person, as it had a price of close to ten thousand dollars. Then it was recognized as a symbol of wealth in the year of 1987.

4 More common and more affordable

Then as time progressed, more affordable options of cell phones were created. This means that overall, cell phones had become more accessible to the public. The cell phones really became much more popular in the 1990s. They particularly became popular among teens who were heavily into texting. At this present time, almost everyone has a cell phone and people often even have more than one cell phone. It is just the normal way of life now.And nowaday, is heart of mobile phone